Joëlle is a Northern actor raised in an English/French bilingual family - she is a 2017 graduate of the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts. She is also a recipient of the CNI (Casting Network Inc.) prize for Acting, awarded to the 'most versatile actor'.
Theatre Credits include: ROMEO AND JULIET, LITTLE WOMEN AND STIG OF THE DUMP (Season at the Grosvenor Park Open Air Theatre); JANE HAIR - THE BRONTES RESTYLED (Buglight Theatre); THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER (Trinity Theatre); TERRIBLE THAMES (Birmingham Stage Company); THE LITTLE MERMAID (Derby Theatre); Sonya in DEAR UNCLE, Little Voice in THE RISE AND FALL OF THE LITTLE VOICE and Rosie in MY MOTHER SAID I NEVER SHOULD (Theatre by the Lake); HOLES (National Tour); Emilie in WARHORSE (National Theatre).
Feature Film Credits include: Elise in IN ANOTHER LIFE (Wingard Films).
Outside of acting, Joëlle is a multi-instrumentalist and singer. She also enjoys keeping active and is a fully qualified PT instructor.